Hello Dinosaur Trainers,
We’ve heard your feedback concerning the lack of a guaranteed Dreadnoughtus copy in the Dreaded Dreadnoughtus Pass.
We sincerely apologize for the matter, as we had always intended to include the guaranteed copy.
For this reason, we’ve sent everyone a copy of the Dreadnoughtus via in-game inbox. Make sure to claim it before the end of the current Pass (Sep 28th), as it will expire.
This copy will also grant you access to our new Battle Event ”A New Challenger” — going live from Sep 18th – 21st — and will net you another opportunity to claim an additional copy of the Dreadnoughtus!
Rest assured that the next Pass will feature a guaranteed copy of the featured creature.
And lastly, we thank you for your continued support over the years and look forward to seeing your Parks in the game!
– The Jurassic World: The Game team